
What is Meoto bashi (couples chopsticks)?

What is Meoto bashi (couples chopsticks)?

Meoto bashi (夫婦箸)are two sets of chopsticks as one set. Giving them to newlyweds or as a wedding anniversary gift is a fairly common tradition in Japan.  Two chopsticks together make one set...

What is Meoto bashi (couples chopsticks)?

Meoto bashi (夫婦箸)are two sets of chopsticks as one set. Giving them to newlyweds or as a wedding anniversary gift is a fairly common tradition in Japan.  Two chopsticks together make one set...

What is unique about Japanese chopsticks?

What is unique about Japanese chopsticks?

Japanese chopsticks are tapered at the tip and slightly shorter compared to other countries as Japanese frequently eat fish, and the tips of the chopsticks needed to become thinner to remove...

What is unique about Japanese chopsticks?

Japanese chopsticks are tapered at the tip and slightly shorter compared to other countries as Japanese frequently eat fish, and the tips of the chopsticks needed to become thinner to remove...

What is Japanese Lacquerware?

What is Japanese Lacquerware?

Japanese Lacquerware refers to wooden bowls, dishes, or eating utensils that are made and coated with urushi (漆), the natural sap of the urushinoki(漆の木)or Japanese lacquer tree.

What is Japanese Lacquerware?

Japanese Lacquerware refers to wooden bowls, dishes, or eating utensils that are made and coated with urushi (漆), the natural sap of the urushinoki(漆の木)or Japanese lacquer tree.